Panel | ||
| ||
Launch Issue Editor
Issue navigator
Project sidebar
Copy and paste
Copy (CTRL+C/Windows or CMD+C/MacOS) | Mouse select | Paste (CTRL+V/Windows or CMD+V/MacOS) |
Inline editing
Double-click or press "F2" to edit |
Supported fields
Tip |
* : display only fields |
System fields
- Type *
- Key *
- Summary
- Description
- Priority
- Assignee
- Reporter
- Affects Version/s
- Fix Version/s
- Component/s
- Status *
- Created *
- Updated *
- Resolution *
- Due Date
- Labels
- Environment
- Votes *
- Watchers *
- Security Level
- Original Estimate
- Time Spent *
- Remaining Estimate
- Progress *
- Σ Original Estimate *
- Σ Time Spent *
- Σ Remaining Estimate *
- Σ Progress *
- Project *
- Work Ratio *
- Images *
- Resolved *
- Creator *
- Sub-Tasks *
- Linked Issues *
Custom fields
- Date Picker
- Date Time Picker
- Number Field
- Text Field(single line)
- Text Field(multi-line)
- Text Field(read only) *
- URL Field
- Version Picker(single version)
- Version Picker(multiple versions)
- Project Picker(single project)
- User Picker(single user)
- User Picker(multiple users)
- Group Picker(single group)
- Group Picker(multiple groups)
- Checkboxes
- Radio Buttons
- Select List(single choice)
- Select List(multiple choices)
- Select List(cascading)
- Labels
Jira Software
- Epic Color *
- Epic Link *
- Epic Status *
- Epic/Theme
- Rank *
- Sprint *
- Epic Name
- Flag
- Dev Summary Custom Field *
Jira Service Desk
- Approvals
- Customer Request Type *
- Organizations *
- Request Participants *
- SLA CustomField Type *
Color Custom Fields
- Picker Color
- Select Color
Click "Save" or shortcut (CTRL+S/Windows or CMD+S/MacOS) |
Hierarchy View
Display all issues | Click the button |
Context Menu
Right-click on the row number |
Drag and drop
You can change parents in "Hierarchy View".
Cross-hair-cursor will display over the top or bottom of the grid line.
Select the row | Drag cross-hair-cursor |
Sort and filter
Display all issues | Click column header |
Input a keyword and Enter |
Info |
You can use shortcut (CTRL+F/Windows or CMD+F/MacOS) to move focus on the search box. |
Excel-like Issue Editor uses Jira Issue Navigator to add columns, please change to the List view to display search results and click Columns at the top right of the issue table to open the column configuration dialog.
For more details about Jira Issue Navigator, please look Atlassian documentation.
Include Page | ||||