Property | Task editor tab | Description |
WBS | - | WBS code that represents the position of the task in the hierarchy. |
Name | General | Name of the task. |
Start | General | Start date and time of the task. |
Finish | General | Finish date and time of the task. |
Duration | General | The duration between the start and the finish of the task. Duration considers the working calendar. If there are non-working days between the start and the finish, duration doesn’t include the non-working days. You can set duration units. Units can be year, month, week, day, hour, minute, or second. You can abbreviate units when editing. e.g., mo for month, d for day. |
Resources | Not available | Assigned resources for the task. |
Effort | Not available | The work time required to complete the task. |
Effort mode | Not available | The mode to decide which property is recalculated when duration, assignment units, or effort is revised. |
Status | Not available | If the task is linked to a Jira issue, the Jira issue status is displayed.
%Done | General | Percentage of completion of the task. |
Predecessors | Predecessors | Dependent tasks that should start/finish before the task starts/finishes. |
Successors | Successors | Dependent tasks that should start/finish after the task starts/finishes. |
Constraint Type | Advanced | If you set constraint type and date, the auto-scheduling engine keeps the schedule to meet the constraint. Constraint type is one of
Constraint Date | Advanced | See the description of the constraint type above. |
Deadline | Not available | The deadline date of the task. |
Manually Scheduled | Advanced | If this property is enabled, the auto-schedule engine won’t change the task even if the task breaks constraint or dependent task schedule. |
Rollup | Advanced | If this property is enabled, the task is shown in the parent task’s row in the timeline. See Rollup tasks for details. |
Default Collapse | Advanced | If this property is enabled, the task isn’t expanded when the Gantt chart is loaded if this property is enabled. This property is meaningless in the leaf tasks. |
Inactive | Advanced | Enable inactive property instead of deleting the task if you want to keep remove the task from the schedule but want to keep it. The auto-schedule engine treats inactive tasks as if they were deleted. |
Color | General | Color of the chart object in the timeline. |
Propagate Color | General | If this property is enabled, the color of the task will also apply to descendant tasks that has no color property. This property is meaningless in the leaf tasks. |
Web link | Advanced | URL of the related contents. See Add web links to tasks for details. |
Note | Notes | Notes of the task. See Add task notes for details. |