On this page:
Kick the Issue Editor
Issue navigator
Project sidebar
"Copy and paste"
Copy (CTRL+C/Windows or CMD+C/MacOS) | Mouse select | Paste (CTRL+V/Windows or CMD+V/MacOS) |
Inline editing
Double-click or press "F2" to edit |
Supported fields
* : display only fields
System fields
- Type *
- Key *
- Summary
- Description
- Priority
- Assignee
- Reporter
- Affects Version/s
- Fix Version/s
- Component/s
- Status *
- Created *
- Updated *
- Resolution
- Due Date
- Labels
- Environment
- Votes *
- Watchers *
- Security Level
- Original Estimate
- Time Spent *
- Remaining Estimate
- Progress *
- Σ Original Estimate *
- Σ Time Spent *
- Σ Remaining Estimate *
- Σ Progress *
- Project *
- Work Ratio *
- Images *
- Resolved *
- Creator *
- Sub-Tasks *
- Linked Issues *
Custom fields
- Date Picker
- Date Time Picker
- Number Field
- Text Field(single line)
- Text Field(multi-line)
- Text Field(read only) *
- URL Field
- Version Picker(single version)
- Version Picker(multiple versions)
- Project Picker(single project)
- User Picker(single user)
- User Picker(multiple users)
- Group Picker(single group)
- Group Picker(multiple groups)
- Checkboxes
- Radio Buttons
- Select List(single choice)
- Select List(multiple choices)
- Select List(cascading)
- Labels
Jira Software fields
- Epic Color *
- Epic Link *
- Epic Status *
- Epic/Theme
- Rank *
- Sprint *
- Epic Name
- Flag
- Dev Summary Custom Field *
Jira Service Desk fields
- Approvals
- Customer Request Type *
- Organizations *
- Request Participants *
- SLA (Time to XXX) *
Click "Save" or shortcut (CTRL+S/Windows or CMD+S/MacOS) |
Hierarchy View
Display all issues | Click the button |
Context Menu
Right-click on the row number |
Drag and drop
You can change parents in "Hierarchy View".
Cross-hair-cursor will display over the top or bottom of the grid line.
Select the row | Drag cross-hair-cursor |
Sort and filter
Display all issues | Click column header |
Input a keyword and Enter |
You can use shortcut (CTRL+F/Windows or CMD+F/MacOS) to move focus on the search box.
Issue Editor use column configuration of the issue navigator.
For more details about the issue navigator, please look Atlassian documentation.
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