This feature is available from Alfresco connector for Jira v1.9.0. Please see Relationships pafor the detail of this feature.

Supported Platforms

Supported platform(s)
Supported version(s)
Alfresco Content Services(ティック) 5.1 - 6.2
Alfresco Community(エラー)Not supported currently
Alfresco Cloud(エラー)Not supported currently

Alfresco Content Services 6.0 and 6.2



  1. Stop Alfresco Content Service.

    # systemctl stop content-services

  2. Install plugin.

    # cp ~/jiraConnector-share-1.2.0.jar /opt/alfresco/content-services/modules/share/
    # cp ~/jiraConnector-platform-1.2.0.jar /opt/alfresco/content-services/modules/platform/

  3. Start Alfresco Content Service

    # systemctl start content-services


  1. Stop Alfresco Content Service.

    # systemctl stop content-services

  2. Uninstall plugin.

    # rm /opt/alfresco/content-services/modules/share/jiraConnector-share-1.2.0.jar
    # rm /opt/alfresco/content-services/modules/platform/jiraConnector-platform-1.2.0.jar

  3. Start Alfresco Content Service.

     # systemclt start content-services

Alfresco Content Services 5.2



  1. Stop Alfresco service.

    # service alfresco stop

  2. Confirm plugin after preview installing.

    # cd /opt/alfresco-content-services
    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install ~/jiraConnector-share-1.1.0.amp tomcat/webapps/share -preview
    Installing AMP '/root/jiraConnector-share-1.1.0.amp' into WAR 'tomcat/webapps/share'
    INFO: Checking the war version using the manifest.
    Adding files relating to version '1.1.0' of module 'jiraConnector-share'
       - File '/WEB-INF/lib/jiraConnector-share-1.1.0.jar' added to war from amp
    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install ~/jiraConnector-platform-1.1.0.amp tomcat/webapps/alfresco -preview
    Installing AMP '/root/jiraConnector-platform-1.1.0.amp' into WAR 'tomcat/webapps/alfresco'
    INFO: Checking the war version using /WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/
    Adding files relating to version '1.1.0' of module 'jiraConnector-platform'
       - File '/WEB-INF/lib/jiraConnector-platform-1.1.0.jar' added to war from amp

  3. Install plugin.

    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install ~/jiraConnector-share-1.1.0.amp tomcat/webapps/share
    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install ~/jiraConnector-platform-1.1.0.amp tomcat/webapps/alfresco

  4. Confirm plugin completely. 

    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar list tomcat/webapps/share
    Module 'jiraConnector-share' installed in 'tomcat/webapps/share'
       -    Title:        jiraConnector-share Share Jar Module - SDK 3
       -    Version:      1.1.0
       -    Install Date: Mon Aug 20 08:26:09 UTC 2018
       -    Description:   Share JAR Module (to be included in the share.war) - SDK 3
    Module 'org_alfresco_module_wcmquickstartshare' installed in 'tomcat/webapps/share'
       -    Title:        Web Quick Start Share
       -    Version:      5.2.2
       -    Install Date: Fri Jan 12 19:05:13 JST 2018
       -    Description:   Web Quick Start Share Module
    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar list tomcat/webapps/alfresco
    Module 'org_alfresco_module_wcmquickstart' installed in 'tomcat/webapps/alfresco'
       -    Title:        Web Quick Start
       -    Version:      5.2.2
       -    Install Date: Fri Jan 12 19:05:11 JST 2018
       -    Description:   Web Quick Start
    Module 'alfresco-aos-module' installed in 'tomcat/webapps/alfresco'
       -    Title:        Alfresco Office Services Module
       -    Version:      1.1.7
       -    Install Date: Fri Jan 12 19:05:10 JST 2018
       -    Description:   Allows applications that can talk to a SharePoint server to talk to your Alfresco installation
    Module 'alfresco-share-services' installed in 'tomcat/webapps/alfresco'
       -    Title:        Alfresco Share Services AMP
       -    Version:      5.2.2
       -    Install Date: Fri Jan 12 19:05:09 JST 2018
       -    Description:   Module to be applied to alfresco.war, containing APIs for Alfresco Share
    Module 'jiraConnector-platform' installed in 'tomcat/webapps/alfresco'
       -    Title:        jiraConnector-platform Platform Jar Module - SDK 3
       -    Version:      1.1.0
       -    Install Date: Mon Aug 20 08:26:12 UTC 2018
       -    Description:   Platform JAR Module (to be included in the alfresco.war) - SDK 3

  5. Delete alfresco,share backup files from tomcat deployment directry or move them to another folder for backup.

    # rm -Rf tomcat/webapps/share-*.bak
    # rm -Rf tomcat/webapps/alfresco-*.bak

  6. Start Alfresco service.

    # service alfresco start


  1. Stop Alfresco service.

    # service alfresco stop

  2. Uninstall plugin.

    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar uninstall jiraConnector-share tomcat/webapps/share
    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar uninstall jiraConnector-platform tomcat/webapps/alfresco

  3. Start Alfresco service.

     # service alfresco start

Version history

1.2.0Alfresco Content Service 6.0 - 6.2 6.0 and 6.2 support
1.1.0Alfresco Content Service 5.1 - 5.2 Display an indicator icon in Alfresco document linked with JIRA Issue in the document library
1.0.0Alfresco Content Service 5.1 - 5.2Initial release