Navigate Gantt chart

Navigate Gantt chart

Familiarize yourself with the Gantt chart editor:






Full screen view

You can view the Gantt chart in fullscreen without having to open the editor:



Task editor and dependencies management

  • Create, edit, or delete tasks

  • You’ll have options to create sub-tasks or successor tasks

  • Select Indent or Outdent task to establish work breakdown structure


Undo / Redo

The red badge indicates the number of changes made, which you can reverse until you reach the point up to which you want the undo actions to be restored.

You’ll need to Save your changes before exiting the editor.

You can undo changes, even after you have saved, and then save again.


Timeline view

Change how you want to display your timeline:

  • Zoom in/out to scale the calendar view

  • Zoom to fit

  • Scroll to the selected task


Enable Gantt features

Customize your Gantt chart view with more advanced features



Custom columns and filter

  • Add or remove columns to show task properties you want to include on the Gantt view.

  • Customize the data on your Gantt by filtering tasks based on selected properties.


Jira integration

Connect your Gantt chart plan with Jira projects to manage tasks across platforms


Set project start date

Schedule the start date of your project, it will show as a marker on the timeline view



Next steps: Learn more about the context menus in Gantt Chart Planner app to manage tasks seamlessly.

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