WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira 9.13.1 release notes

WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira 9.13.1 release notes


The Ricksoft team is proud to announce the release of Version 9.13.1 of WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira.

We've fixed two bugs.


Bug fixes

Save button does not display

Fixed a bug in which the save button on the Gantt chart screen did not display on Jira 8.12.0 or later.

WGCPT-366 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Some Jira users are not treated as owners, even if they belong to the Gantt owner groups

Fixed a bug that prevented users with mismatched user name and user key from being recognized as the owner of the Gantt, even if they belonged to the Gantt owner groups.

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