WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira 9.5 release notes

WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira 9.5 release notes

17 April 2018

The Ricksoft team is proud to announce the release of Version 9.5 of WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira.

You can now check and edit the details of an issue with the issue detail view while you are reviewing the WBS.

On this page:

New features

Display issue detail view on screen

We have added a function that enables you to display the issue detail view for any issue that you select in your WBS.

From Display on the operations bar, you can switch the display on the right side of the screen between Gantt chart and the issue detail view. If you edit the issue in the issue detail view and save it, the edits are immediately displayed in your WBS (with some operations excluded).

You can now change the status of an issue by using the issue detail view.

Restrictions: Editing operations not immediately updated on the WBS


There are certain restrictions for this function: edits in the issue detail view are not immediately updated in the WBS for the operations shown below. You need to refresh the screen to show these.

1. Edits that affect hierarchical structures/dependency relationships

In principle, any edits in the issue detail view that affect the hierarchical structure of an issue or a dependency are not immediately reflected in the WBS.

Example: Changing a parent-child relationship/dependency relationship with an issue link

Example: Modifying an updated version

2. Voting; watching

When a logged-in user votes or cancels a vote for an issue, or starts/stops watching an issue, while using the issue detail view, the number of votes and watchers shown in the WBS column does not update immediately.

WGCPT-12 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Gantt chart display period jumps to the Gantt bar when a row is selected

We have made an improvement so that the Gantt chart display period jumps to the Gantt bar of the selected row.

WGCPT-52 - Getting issue details... STATUS

"Please wait" displayed when an issue is created with the issue template

We have made an improvement so that the message "Please wait" is displayed when an issue is created using the issue template.

Translation and display updated for some languages

We have improved the translation and displayed text for some languages.

WGCPT-30 - Getting issue details... STATUS

WGCPT-43 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Jira 7.9 supported

Jira 7.9 is now supported.

Bug fixes

Keyboard cannot be used after using drag-and-drop to rearrange rows

Previously when you sorted rows using drag-and-drop and tried to perform an operation via the keyboard straight afterwards, you could not do this without first making an input on the keyboard. This has now been fixed.

WGCPT-36 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Focus cell does not move when the bottom row is moved with drag-and-drop

Previously, if you moved the row at the bottom of the WBS using drag-and-drop so that it was second from bottom, the focus cell did not move and stayed at the bottom. This has now been fixed.

“Save” button stops working when rows with unsaved data are sorted

Previously, for certain operations such as editing fields, the Save button was deactivated when rows with unsaved data were saved. This has now been fixed.

Users who do not have administrator rights cannot move issues directly below a version

Previously, if the logged-in user did not have administrator rights for the project related to the issue to be moved, the issue could not be moved directly beneath a version (one level below the version) using drag-and-drop or Indent/Outdent. This has now been fixed.

Users displayed in assignee column as potential assignees did not match “assignable users”

When editing the assignee column, users with allocation rights were mistakenly shown as potential assignees for an issue. This has now been fixed so that “assignable users” are shown as potential assignees.

WGCPT-39 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Renumber WBS code cannot be implemented if no row is selected

Previously, the Edit button was deactivated if no row was selected. Renumber WBS code could not be implemented until a row was selected. This has now been fixed.

Color of Gantt bar does not change completely (up to right-hand end) when progress rate reaches 100%

Previously, the Gantt bar displayed in blue did not change color completely when the progress rate of an issue reached 100% (for issues without child issues). This has now been fixed.

Reducing the size of the browser window causes a gray area to appear at the bottom of the screen. Unnecessary scrolling required.

Previously, an unnecessary gray area appeared at the bottom of the screen when the size of the browser window was reduced after displaying the right-click menu. This meant users had to scroll unnecessarily. This has now been fixed.

WGCPT-37 - Getting issue details... STATUS

When there is an issue creation error, the message "Please wait" is displayed and the application freezes

Previously, if a server error occurred when creating an issue in the WBS, the message "Please wait" was displayed on-screen and the application could not be used until the screen was reloaded.

Jira and other add-on dialogs do not correctly display when displaying WBS and Gantt chart screen

Fixed a bug that sometimes the footer part was missing when displaying Jira, or another add-on dialog when displaying WBS and Gantt chart screen.

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