WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira 9.11 release notes

WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira 9.11 release notes

03 October 2019

The Ricksoft team is proud to announce the release of Version 9.11 of WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira.

Permissions added for creating and using Gantts; significant improvements to issue template function.


New features

Added capability restricting Gantt creation and operation

We have added a new function to limit users who can create Gantts to those who belong to a specified group.
Only users who belong to a group set by a Jira administrator have permission to create Gantts.

We have also added an option to allow administrators to select whether to give permission for editing operations on the WBS Gantt-Chart screen to all users or just to Gantt administrators.
When this setting is ON, any user who can still access a Gantt as before can perform editing operations on the WBS Gantt-Chart screen.
When it is OFF, the WBS Gantt-Chart screen is displayed in view-only mode to everyone except administrators.

WGCPT-118 - Getting issue details... STATUS

WGCPT-197 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Multiple texts can be defined for replacement in the issue template

Users can now define multiple texts for replacement for issues in the issue template.

Previously, if you entered “$” in the issue template summary, you could replace “$” with wording of your choice when creating an issue.  
However, you could only define one item of text to be replaced at a time. In Version 9.11.0, if you define the text to be replaced in the format $<arbitrary text>$ in the issue template summary/ description, all text marked $<Arbitrary text>$ is replaced at once.

In principle, symbols cannot be used in arbitrary text.

In 9.11.0, you can continue to use the former $-only replacement feature. This will be discontinued in future.

Copy custom fields and attachments when creating issues from templates

If you create an issue from a template in 9.11.0, the custom field values set in the issue template will also be copied.
Previously, only system fields and some fields related to Gantt charts were copied. However, in principle, all fields will now be copied.

Files attached to template issues can also be copied
An optional check box has been added to the dialog for creating an issue from a template. This can be set to ON or OFF when creating the issue.

WGCPT-81 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Bug fixes

Hierarchical structure of issues are broken when creating issues from issue template

We have fixed a bug whereby the hierarchical structure of an issue was broken unless the screen was reloaded when issues were created from the issue template.

The critical path is not displayed correctly if there is a gap in the schedule

We have fixed a bug whereby only the end point of the last issue was displayed as a critical path if there was a gap in the schedule for paths with a dependency relationship from a previous issue. In 9.11.0, the critical path is displayed up to the point where there is a gap in the schedule.

Incorrect content displayed when hovering a tooltip over the resource view

Previously, when the display range of a Gantt chart was changed with the left and right buttons, the range that was displayed lagged by a few days when the tooltip was hovered over the resource view. This bug is now fixed.  

WGCPT-147 - Getting issue details... STATUS

User picker column does not work correctly in environments with more than 1000 active users

We have fixed a bug whereby some users were not displayed as potential assignees when editing in the user picker column with the exception of the assignee column.
This bug only occurred in environments with more than 1000 active users.


Ending support up to Jira 7.5.x

All versions up to Jira 7.5.x are EOL so will no longer be supported.

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