WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira 9.2.2 release notes

WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira 9.2.2 release notes

17 October 2017

The Ricksoft team is pleased to announce the release of WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira 9.2.2, which is a maintenance release.

On this page:

We have made some minor improvements and fixed some bugs.


Leading zero not required when inputting dates

We have improved functionality so that you do not need to input a leading zero for single-digit days or months when editing the date.

Unnecessary commas removed from Gantt list view in the administrator column

We have removed all unnecessary trailing commas.

Bug fixes

Problem with child issues disappearing from Gantt-Chart screen

Previously, child issues which existed before a parent issue “issue create event” occurred disappeared from the Gantt-chart screen. This bug is now fixed.

Problem with ‘g’ + ‘w’ key shortcut

Previously, the shortcut for displaying recently viewed WBS Gantt-Charts (‘g’ + ‘w’) did not work if the WBS Gantt-Chart menu was hidden under “More” in the JIRA header. This bug is now fixed.

Incorrect display when addressable URL filter IDs or Gantt IDs are entered as numerical values in full width format

Previously, if URL parameters were input in WBS Gantt-Chart in full-width format, they were still displayed in regular (half-size) format. This bug is now fixed.

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

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