Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts

Open the keyboard shortcuts dialog from the Help menu or press the key ?

The app supports the following keyboard commands:



Windows, Linux



Windows, Linux


Navigate between rows and cells

, , ,

, , ,

Select multiple rows

Shift + click or ⌘ Cmd + click

Shift + click or Ctrl + click

Start/Finish cell editing



Expand/Collapse selected task



Task actions

Create task below

⌘ Cmd + Enter

Ctrl + Enter

Create sub-task

⌘ Cmd Shift + Enter

Ctrl Shift + Enter

Create successor task

⌘ Cmd Opt + Enter

Ctrl Alt + Enter

Edit selected task

⌘ Cmd + e

Ctrl + e

Delete selected tasks

⌘ Cmd + -

Ctrl + -

Outdent selected tasks

⌘ Cmd +

Ctrl +

Indent selected tasks

⌘ Cmd +

Ctrl +

Clear constraints of selected tasks

⌘ Cmd + r

Ctrl + r


⌘ Cmd + z

Ctrl + z


⌘ Cmd Shift + z

Ctrl Shift + z

Copy selected task

⌘ Cmd + c

Ctrl + c

Cut selected task

⌘ Cmd + x

Ctrl + x

Paste task

⌘ Cmd + v

Ctrl + v

Gantt shortcuts

Scroll left

Opt +

Alt +

Scroll right

Opt +

Alt +

Scroll to now

Opt + c

Alt + c

Scroll to selected task

Opt + t

Alt + t

Zoom in

Opt +

Alt +

Zoom out

Opt +

Alt +

Zoom to fit project

Opt + f

Alt + f


⌘ Cmd + s

Ctrl + s

Quick find

⌘ Cmd + f

Ctrl + f


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