About Free Version of Secure Custom Fields

About Free Version of Secure Custom Fields

Secure Custom Fields for Jira became a paid app on August 31, 2022, after a free beta version period.
If you installed Secure Custom Fields before the date and have not updated it to the paid version, you’re still using the free version of the app.
This page contains FAQs about the free version.

What will happen if I don’t update to the paid version?

You can continue to use the free version for free unless you manually update it to the paid version. However, due to Jira platform limitations, updates will not apply to the free version.
It means the conditions below apply.

  • Any feature and maintenance release, including security patches and bug fixes, do not apply to the free version.

  • If Jira makes breaking changes that affect the app, the app may suddenly stop working.

Therefore, updating to the paid version is highly recommended.

How much is the paid version of Secure Custom Fields going to cost?

If you have less than ten licensed users, you can use the app completely free of charge.
Otherwise, the specific price depends on the total number of your Jira users.
Please refer to the pricing page for details.

How can we export data in the app?

If you quit using the app, Secure Custom Fields provides the CSV export feature.
Please see the details on Export field values to a CSV file.

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