How to configure automatic space sync

How to configure automatic space sync

Space admins can enable the "auto sync" option, allowing updates to be automatically pushed between synchronized pages whenever changes occur.

This ensures that content is always up-to-date across spaces without the need for manual interventions.

Auto sync status

You’ll see whether the auto sync option is enabled for the respective spaces on the synced spaces list. Select Auto sync config to update the settings.


Configure auto sync

Once you enable the auto sync option, it’s possible to refine the sync settings to make sure only desired pages get synced automatically.

If auto-sync fails, you'll get an email with error details. Often, it's due to duplicate page names in the destination space.

Auto sync config.png


  1. Auto sync all pages across synced spaces
    The sync process will be triggered automatically whenever a user create a new page, edit existing pages, or update page attachments.

    *You’ll need to turn on auto sync before configure the sync options below.

  1. Auto sync blogs
    New blog posts and updates to existing blogs will be pushed to destination space automatically.

  1. Exclude unsynced pages
    Restrict auto sync to be triggered on previously synced pages only. This is important if you don’t want to auto publish new pages to the destination space.

  1. Sync pages by labels
    When a user create a new page with the target label(s), the app will automatically publish this page to the synced space.

  1. Sync pages by status
    The app will automatically publish page(s) that contain the target status. This feature is useful to faciliate content review and publishing workflow.



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