Release notes : WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira Cloud 1.1.20-AC

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Release notes : WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira Cloud 1.1.20-AC

Release date

May 25, 2021


Added Quick filter and Dependencies column


New features


  • Improve Issue Global Setting Screen

  • Allow users to access migration information page without special operation

Bug fixes

  • An error occurs when pressing the [Enter] key while the cursor is on a text field in the Edit Global Issue Settings dialog.

  • When the Fields setting is "Use Jira field", changing a value in the panel section of the Jira issue screen causes the panel section to go blank for a moment.

  • MS Project import stops the process without displaying any error

  • MS Project import behaves differently when using Jira field

  • In some time zones such as US, Finish date and Baseline finish date are displayed in the Gantt chart one day earlier than the date stored in Jira