Gantt Scheme

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Gantt Scheme

Access to global common settings

Select Gantt Scheme from the sidebar menu

Click the cog icon on the top-right corner




What is a Gantt scheme?

This feature registers the initial settings of Gantt, which is created and managed by the leader of each project, as a scheme.

Gantt settings by project managers

By selecting a scheme when creating a gantt, the setting values registered in that scheme are copied as setting values for the new gantt.

Gantt scheme settings are used only when creating a new Gantt.
If you change the Gantt scheme settings after creating a new Gantt, the settings of the existing Gantt will not be changed.
The administrator of each created gantt is free to change the settings of the created Gantt.


Required Permissions

Action on Gantt Scheme

Required Permission

Action on Gantt Scheme

Required Permission


Any users


Jira Administrator



Set as default


How to create a new scheme

  1. Click "Create Scheme" in the upper right corner of the scheme list screen.

  2. Change various settings.

    1. Please see Gantt settings by project managers for various settings.

  3. Click on the pencil icon to rename the scheme.

  4. Click the Save button.

How to change the settings in the scheme

  1. On the scheme list screen, click the "Edit" button for the scheme whose settings you wish to change.

  2. Change various settings.

    1. Please see Gantt settings by project managers for various settings.

  3. Click the Update button.

How to change the scheme selected by default when creating a Gantt

In the scheme list screen, you can change the scheme selected by default in the Gantt Creation dialog by clicking the "Set as default" button for the scheme you want to make the default scheme.

Creating a Gantt

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