Global version settings

The content of this Space is not the latest version of WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira.
We have separate Space for each version of the product. If the version you are using differs from the one in this Space title, please find the correct one from the below page. https://ricksoft-support.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WGC/overview

You are viewing documentation for WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira Server and Data Center. For Cloud, see WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira Cloud.
If you notice that the content is incorrect, please report it here.

Global version settings

On this page:

Configuring version settings

  1. Log in as a user with the Jira System Administrators and Jira Administrators global permission.
  2. Select Add-ons from the Jira ADMINISTRATION menu shown as the cog icon at the top-right corner.
  3. Select Version from the WBS GANTT-CHART section on the side menu.

Editing version settings

  1. Click Edit Version Configuration on the upper right-hand side of the version settings screen.
  2. Edit the settings in the version configuration dialog.

  3. Click Update.

Editing versions to be displayed

You can hide previously released or archived versions from display, and also versions where there are no related issues.

Display all versions

This enables you to see all versions, including archived and previously released versions.

Unarchived versions

This enables you to see all versions other than archived versions. Issues under archived versions are not displayed.

Unreleased versions 

You can see all versions other than archived or released versions. Issues under archived or released versions are not displayed.

Archived versions are not displayed.

No versions

No versions are displayed, but issues related to versions are displayed.

When this configuration is enabled, versions cannot be added in WBS Gantt-Chart.

Exclude versions without subordinate issues

When this configuration is enabled, only versions with issues are shown.

When this configuration is enabled, versions cannot be added in WBS Gantt-Chart.

Editing the relationship between versions and issues

Changing the manual mode for a version

Change Version manual mode in version settings.

For more information about manual mode, please refer to the user guide.

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