Changing settings

The content of this Space is not the latest version of WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira.
We have separate Space for each version of the product. If the version you are using differs from the one in this Space title, please find the correct one from the below page. https://ricksoft-support.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WGC/overview

You are viewing documentation for WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira Server and Data Center. For Cloud, see WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira Cloud.
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Changing settings

On this page:

Changing default settings

You can configure default settings via the user preference dialog. 

To display the user preference dialog, select Edit user preferences in  on the toolbar.

If you change settings and click Update, the default settings are updated.

Configuration information

Hierarchy relationships

Please see the following topics for more information about configurations.

Dependency relationships

Please see the following topic for more information about configurations.

Default display

Please see the following topic for more information about configurations.

  • Default display

Date and date/time cell formats

You can change the format of the date or date/time values displayed in WBS cells, including the start and finish dates.

In addition to the Date and Date Time cell on the WBS side, this setting also applies as date format in various tooltips displayed on the Gantt chart side.

Apply Jira field format (Date/Date Time picker)

The value of the field is displayed in the Date or Date Time picker format set by the Jira administrator.

Use the values ​​shown for the configurations below for the date and date/time fields respectively. Click here for more information about this configuration.

Jira configuration details
Date fieldjira.date.picker.javascript.format
Date/time fieldjira.date.time.picker.javascript.format

Select format options

Select the format by Date and Time respectively, and display the value of the field in the set format.

For the date field use the format selected in Date. For the date and time field use the consolidated format configured in Date and Time.

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