Install Guide for Alfresco Association plugin

This feature is available from Alfresco connector for Jira v1.9.0. Please see Relationships pafor the detail of this feature.

Supported Platforms

Supported platform(s)
Supported version(s)
Alfresco Content Services(ティック) 5.1 - 6.2
Alfresco Community(エラー)Not supported currently
Alfresco Cloud(エラー)Not supported currently

Alfresco Content Services 6.0 and 6.2


Alfresco Connector plugin


  1. Stop Alfresco Content Service.

    # systemctl stop content-services
  2. Install plugin.

    # cp ~/jiraConnector-share-1.2.0.jar /opt/alfresco/content-services/modules/share/
    # cp ~/jiraConnector-platform-1.2.0.jar /opt/alfresco/content-services/modules/platform/
  3. Start Alfresco Content Service

    # systemctl start content-services


  1. Stop Alfresco Content Service.

    # systemctl stop content-services
  2. Uninstall plugin.

    # rm /opt/alfresco/content-services/modules/share/jiraConnector-share-1.2.0.jar
    # rm /opt/alfresco/content-services/modules/platform/jiraConnector-platform-1.2.0.jar
  3. Start Alfresco Content Service.

     # systemclt start content-services

Alfresco Content Services 5.2


Alfresco Authentication plugin


  1. Stop Alfresco service.

    # service alfresco stop
  2. Confirm plugin after preview installing.

    # cd /opt/alfresco-content-services
    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install ~/jiraConnector-share-1.1.0.amp tomcat/webapps/share -preview
    Installing AMP '/root/jiraConnector-share-1.1.0.amp' into WAR 'tomcat/webapps/share'
    INFO: Checking the war version using the manifest.
    Adding files relating to version '1.1.0' of module 'jiraConnector-share'
       - File '/WEB-INF/lib/jiraConnector-share-1.1.0.jar' added to war from amp
    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install ~/jiraConnector-platform-1.1.0.amp tomcat/webapps/alfresco -preview
    Installing AMP '/root/jiraConnector-platform-1.1.0.amp' into WAR 'tomcat/webapps/alfresco'
    INFO: Checking the war version using /WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/
    Adding files relating to version '1.1.0' of module 'jiraConnector-platform'
       - File '/WEB-INF/lib/jiraConnector-platform-1.1.0.jar' added to war from amp
  3. Install plugin.

    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install ~/jiraConnector-share-1.1.0.amp tomcat/webapps/share
    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar install ~/jiraConnector-platform-1.1.0.amp tomcat/webapps/alfresco
  4. Confirm plugin completely. 

    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar list tomcat/webapps/share
    Module 'jiraConnector-share' installed in 'tomcat/webapps/share'
       -    Title:        jiraConnector-share Share Jar Module - SDK 3
       -    Version:      1.1.0
       -    Install Date: Mon Aug 20 08:26:09 UTC 2018
       -    Description:   Share JAR Module (to be included in the share.war) - SDK 3
    Module 'org_alfresco_module_wcmquickstartshare' installed in 'tomcat/webapps/share'
       -    Title:        Web Quick Start Share
       -    Version:      5.2.2
       -    Install Date: Fri Jan 12 19:05:13 JST 2018
       -    Description:   Web Quick Start Share Module
    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar list tomcat/webapps/alfresco
    Module 'org_alfresco_module_wcmquickstart' installed in 'tomcat/webapps/alfresco'
       -    Title:        Web Quick Start
       -    Version:      5.2.2
       -    Install Date: Fri Jan 12 19:05:11 JST 2018
       -    Description:   Web Quick Start
    Module 'alfresco-aos-module' installed in 'tomcat/webapps/alfresco'
       -    Title:        Alfresco Office Services Module
       -    Version:      1.1.7
       -    Install Date: Fri Jan 12 19:05:10 JST 2018
       -    Description:   Allows applications that can talk to a SharePoint server to talk to your Alfresco installation
    Module 'alfresco-share-services' installed in 'tomcat/webapps/alfresco'
       -    Title:        Alfresco Share Services AMP
       -    Version:      5.2.2
       -    Install Date: Fri Jan 12 19:05:09 JST 2018
       -    Description:   Module to be applied to alfresco.war, containing APIs for Alfresco Share
    Module 'jiraConnector-platform' installed in 'tomcat/webapps/alfresco'
       -    Title:        jiraConnector-platform Platform Jar Module - SDK 3
       -    Version:      1.1.0
       -    Install Date: Mon Aug 20 08:26:12 UTC 2018
       -    Description:   Platform JAR Module (to be included in the alfresco.war) - SDK 3
  5. Delete alfresco,share backup files from tomcat deployment directry or move them to another folder for backup.

    # rm -Rf tomcat/webapps/share-*.bak
    # rm -Rf tomcat/webapps/alfresco-*.bak
  6. Start Alfresco service.

    # service alfresco start


  1. Stop Alfresco service.

    # service alfresco stop
  2. Uninstall plugin.

    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar uninstall jiraConnector-share tomcat/webapps/share
    # java -jar bin/alfresco-mmt.jar uninstall jiraConnector-platform tomcat/webapps/alfresco
  3. Start Alfresco service.

     # service alfresco start

Version history

1.2.0Alfresco Content Service 6.0 - 6.2 6.0 and 6.2 support
1.1.0Alfresco Content Service 5.1 - 5.2 Display an indicator icon in Alfresco document linked with JIRA Issue in the document library
1.0.0Alfresco Content Service 5.1 - 5.2Initial release