Guide for users

Guide for users

Launch spreadsheet

Top navigation bar

Project sidebar

Issue navigator

Edit fields on spreadsheet

Inline editing

Double-click or press "F2" to edit

Copy and paste

Copy (CTRL+C/Windows or CMD+C/MacOS)

Mouse selectPaste (CTRL+V/Windows or CMD+V/MacOS)


Click "Save" or shortcut (CTRL+S/Windows or CMD+S/MacOS)


After selecting cells, Revert (CTRL+Z/Windows or CMD+Z/MacOS)Changes discarded


Change the configuration on Issue Navigator. Please see the article of Excel-like Issue Editor for Jira: Knowledge base and workarounds.

Operations bar

Input a keyword and Enter

You can use shortcut (CTRL+F/Windows or CMD+F/MacOS) to move focus on the search box.

Hierarchy View

That hierarchy view function is to display Jira's subtask, Epic Link of Jira Software and Parent-child relationship of WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira.

Display all issues

Click the hierarchy button

Back to Jira

You can return to the location where you launched the spreadsheet.

Other functions

Excel-like Issue Editor provides the other functions via the cog icon menu.

Databar Number

Visualize the values of number fields.

Format Timetracking Fields

Change the display format of timetracking fields.

Freeze Columns

Select a cell and freeze up to the current column.

Sort and filter

Display all issues

Click column header

Context Menu

Right-click on the row number.

View issue

Open view issue screen.

Expand all

Expand all collapsed rows under hierarchy view mode.

Copy issue

Copy selected issue.

This function is similar to "Clone", but actually creates a new issue.

Create child

Create one child issue under hierarchy view mode.

Delete issue

Delete selected issue.

Drag and drop

You can change parents in "Hierarchy View".

Cross-hair-cursor will display over the top or bottom of the grid line.

Select the row

Drag cross-hair-cursor

If you have any questions please feel free to ask a member of the Atlassian community!

Add the tag "addon-jp.ricksoft.plugins.excel4jira" when you ask a question.