Guide for users

Guide for users

Launch spreadsheet

Top navigation bar

Open a spreadsheet from the links on the app screen (Top navigation bar > Apps > Spreadsheets).

Recent shows the spreadsheets which you opened recently.

System default filters are the standard system filters Jira provides initially. You are not able to change their query parameters. Please launch a spreadsheet from the issue navigator screen if you would like to use custom JQL or filter.

At the issue navigator screen, you can change the columns and reorder them too.

Project sidebar

Open a spreadsheet from the links on the project page (project sidebar > Spreadsheets).

Issue navigator

Open a spreadsheet from the edit button on Jira Issue Navigator (Top navigation bar > Issues).

You can also change the columns displayed on your spreadsheet. Please see the KB article.

Edit fields on spreadsheet

Inline editing

Start editing a cell with double-click or F2 or click pencil icon.

Copy and paste

Copy the value of selected cells.

Paste the value of the clipboard to target cells.


After reviewing unsaved changes, click Save button.

Notifications will be sent by notification scheme configuration.


You can discard unsaved changes.

Select cells for discarding changes.

Use keyboard shortcut.

Unsaved changes are discarded.


Change the configuration on Issue Navigator. Please see the article of Excel-like Issue Editor for Jira: Knowledge base and workarounds.

Operations bar


Input a keyword and type Enter-key.

Hierarchy View

You can see Epic - Story - Subtask hierarchy in the Hierarchy View mode.
In this mode, you can also collapse and expand the hierarchy.
Parent-child relationship of WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira is also supported.

Select the number of items displayed per page as "All" items.

Click the button and change the view mode.

Back to Jira

You can return to the location where you launched the spreadsheet.

Export Excel / CSV

You can export the current spreadsheet in Excel or CSV format.

Other functions

Excel-like Issue Editor provides the other functions via the cog icon menu.

Databar Number

Visualize the values of number fields.

Format Timetracking Fields

Change the display format of timetracking fields.


Freeze Columns

Select a cell and freeze up to the current column.

Sort and filter

Select the number of items displayed per page as "All" items.

Click the column header.

Context Menu

You can use some useful functions from the context menu.

Right-click on any cell.

View issue

Open view issue screen.

Expand all

Expand all collapsed rows under hierarchy view mode.

Copy issue

Copy selected issue.

Create child

Create one child issue under hierarchy view mode.

Delete issue

Delete selected issue.

Transition issue

Drag and drop

You can change a parent issue in "Hierarchy View".

Cross-hair-cursor will display over the top or bottom of the grid line.