Operation Bar Menu


Actions you can do from the operation bar:


Input a keyword then press Enter (Return for Mac) on your keyboard.


Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows: Ctrl+F

Mac: Cmd+F


Hierarchy View

You can see Epic - Story - Subtask hierarchy in the Hierarchy View mode. In this mode, you can also collapse and expand the hierarchy. Parent-child relationship of WBS Gantt-Chart for Jira is also supported.

Hierarchy view is only available under "All" page size.


Grid view

You can change the number of issues per page as below


Column Configuration

From here, you can:

  • Freeze or unfreeze columns

  • Hide or display columns


Sum-Up Row

This feature allows users to get the sum or summary of their Jira fields' values. Users can open it by clicking the sum button on the operation bar.



Using the refresh button helps users save lots of time to get the latest data in the current spreadsheet. If multiple users are working on the same spreadsheet, it is advisable to load the latest data before making any changes.


Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting allows users to set specific conditions to reformat the color of cells in their spreadsheet. This feature enhances visibility for users when they are searching for specific information.


Group by

Group by is a feature to group spreadsheet rows to the selected field. Currently, these fields are available in the Group by feature.

  • Assignee

  • Components

  • Creator

  • Due Date

  • Issue Type

  • Project

  • Priority

  • Reporter

  • Sprint

  • Status

Smart Filter

Coming soon